A bright future is waiting,
Are you ready?

Contact us


What bright future are we talking about, you ask?

We are sure you are on one of the platforms like – Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and you must be searching on Google right from smaller things like movie tickets to buying a house. Well, the entire world is doing that and that is the future!

Now we want to ask you, do you want to be a part of it and create a bright future for yourself?

But why this another digital marketing institute? There are so many already!

Good question!

Ask your friends who have learned digital marketing from any institute, can they do SEO for a website or run a Facebook campaign. We bet, they can’t. You know why?

No fault of theirs, They just have been taught theory (that too sometimes very irrelevant)

No fault of the institute as well! They are academic in nature and can teach all theory gyan very well.

On the other side, we are a purely a digital marketing agency working with brands since 10 years. The only thing we know and can teach is hands on practical approach!


Did you get the difference now?

We are not bothered what is the industry open rate of SMSes over emails, we are bothered what suits a specific target audience and how you can generate x-number of leads from them or sell y-number of products to them.


That’s good! So let us show you what the future holds for you

Become An

Start your own digital marketing venture. Make loads of money for yourself and for others too.

Become a

Take up high paying assignments and work from home or from a beach and at the time you want.

Become a Successful Employee

All big companies now need digital marketers. You can join any of them & succeed.

Become anything you Aspire

Follow your passion and grow it with learning essential digital marketing skills.

Now the big Q, how much can you earn?

We know what you might be thinking now!
All this big talks is fine, but is it really true?

And our honest answer to that is – yes and no.

Yes because we will pour our entire knowledge on to you, which we have accumulated since last 10 years. The knowledge that is sufficient for anyone to go and get a high paying corporate job or start their own business. And No because if you are not willing to take action today, it’s not gonna happen. .

Our Students, Our Ambassadors

VCDMI gave me that confidence and proper guidance to handle projects on my own irrespective of coming from science background. Their practical teaching approach made learning very interesting. The teaching faculty is very friendly and interactive and pays attention to each individual. If you are a fresher and want to make a career in digital marketing, I highly recommend VCDMI.
Nitin Vardhan
I had done an online SEO Course earlier but wasn’t really equipped to start taking up assignments. So I joined VCDMI. The teaching approach adopted was realistic and enabled me to manage digital properties created. I also did internship with them and now working with them as a full time employee. It’s a great exposure & I recommend it to all.
Jyoti Gaje
I joined VCDMI while doing my graduation and now I feel I am more ready than ever to start my working life. Having this degree as an additional qualification makes me look for better opportunities and I feel I have edge over the rest as it’s not just bookish knowledge that I possess but know the practical application of digital theories and techniques. Thank you VCDMI.
Sakshi Toprani

Now let’s talk what you are going to actually learn!

We are going to take a step –by-step approach towards learning digital marketing and each step will have practical exercises for you to learn better. Don’t worry we will hand-hold you at each step

Course Content

Digital marketing is a part of overall marketing. Without basic understanding of marketing as a whole, the knowledge of digital marketing is half. Under this topic will get a marketing overview which will set the tone for your digital marketing journey.

Right from account creation to strategy to best practices for Instagram account for getting more interactions and followers. You will learn all the aspects of Instagram that you require for brand promotion.

Right from the terminology of SEO to shortlisting of keywords to On- page SEO and off-page SEO we will teach you what it requires to get a website on top of Google
search results.

You will learn how to set up an ad campaign, chose targeting, run ads, monitor ads and optimize them based on your target audience
Understand what affiliate marketing is and how it works. Learn about SSP, DSP, DSP targeting and Real time bidding platforms and all that you need to
Know how to create a great SMS marketing campaign, how it works, when to use it and how can you benefit from it to the maximum.
You will get a broader picture of what digital marketing and social media all about, how it has evolved, how it has changed the entire marketing paradigm, and how it will evolve in future.
One of the most important platform for professionals and B2B brands you will learn to create a business page, strategizing, content writing, posting, analyzing and optimizing your LinkedIn marketing efforts.
We will teach you, competitor research & analysis, keyword research, strategizing, Google ad account, running the campaign. At the end you should be able to create an SEM campaign all by yourself
You will learn what is App store optimization, get an idea about app store algorithm and key performance indicators, learn app search optimization, deep linking, app paid ad marketing, mobile app install platforms, app analytics and tools
Get into the depth of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with a deep understanding of Google search console. Learn to use this tool to identify gaps in SEO and how to improve on them.
After COVID lockdown webinars are the new seminars. Learn how to promote your idea and reach out to your target audience through Webinars.
Learn the basics of HTML coding that will form the basis of web page development and this knowledge will help you in a great way in your digital marketing journey.
You will learn right from page creation to strategizing for a real life scenario. Further you will learn how to analyze the numbers and graphs and optimize your Facebook campaign.
There is no other fast social media platform than twitter, we will teach you how to make the optimal use of it for yourself and any brand that you work for
Digital marketing has no meaning without a proper understanding of Google Analytics. We will teach you how to read numbers and graphs, set up goals and events. Will will help you in optimizing your digital marketing efforts.
You will learn how to list, optimize and promote products on market place like Amazon.
Understand the potential of email marketing and learn the essentials to create a great email marketing campaign that converts.
Learn how to leverage one of the fastest and biggest chat platform to improve your business. How to optimize WhatsApp profile and create strategy to get the most of it.
Know the basics of website flow planning, layout, designing and how to create a website that gives a great user experience and high conversion.

So after learning all this,
what’s next?

After this, sky is the limit!

You can choose the path you like, your own business, freelancer assignments or a corporate job, We will give you 100% placement assistance.

Is this course really for me?

This course is specially designed for fresh college graduates keeping in mind their familiarity and frequent activities on social media, as well as their fresh creative approach towards things. However, anyone can avail the benefit of this course right from a housewife to a working professional.

Why only VCDMI?

That’s another good question and you
Practical training based on real life scenarios
100% placement assistance
Trainers with over 15 years on industry experience
Internship for deserving students

Still Thinking?

Well! You can think coolly while others are grabbing seats to learn digital marketing.
Did we tell you that we have only 10 seats out of which several are booked. Check the status below.

Admission to only 10 students

In order to deliver value of highest standard and to give personal attention to each and every student, we have restricted admission to 10 students only. Book your seat before someone else takes it!

All of the above and more is
now available just for this fee!


INR 50,000
INR 35,000

Course Duration – 3 months
Course Utility – Lifetime!!!!